VRChat 3.0 Avatar for Unity 2019.4.31f1
(Note: Avatar is still using Dynamic Bones and has not been updated to PhysBones! Using PhysBone conversion tools in Unity or the in-game PhysBone converter will work fine!)
- Full Body Tested & Compatible
- Clothing Toggles: Shirt, Cardigan, Pants, Shoes, Necklaces, Rosary, Rings, Face/Head Piercings
- All toggles use dissolve animations
- Hue Shift for Tattoo Emissions
- Tattoo emissions and eyes use flipbook animation
- Features many scratch assets made by me! (Cardigan/Shirt, Tattoos, Hair, and Neck jewelry are available separately on my gumroad w/ commercial rights.)
Please have a basic understanding of the Unity avatar upload process before buying! I do not provide uploads or custom edits on behalf of other users. If you run into any issues during the upload process please contact me and I will do my best to help, however you must upload the avatar to your own account!
Body - KC#5344 (https://kc3d.gumroad.com/l/KCsFluffyB)
Head - Pandaabear#9873 (https://pandaabear.gumroad.com/l/Dantehead)
Jeans - nowelbesi (cgtrader.com - https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/various/various-models/jeans-man)
Boots, Rings - Gashina#1960 (https://gashina.gumroad.com/l/cWbuJ, https://gashina.gumroad.com/l/tuzay, https://gashina.gumroad.com/l/ITFDw)
Locomotion - WetCat, AlcTrap, Gireison, DjLukisLT, INYO (https://wetcat.gumroad.com/l/locomotionVRC)
Flipbooks - ericaofanderson (tumblr.com - https://ericaofanderson.tumblr.com)
Hair, Tattoos, Cardigan & Shirt, Necklaces, Rosary, Piercings/Earrings, Eye Textures - Me (RiggaTony#0001)
Required Packages
Poiyomi Toon Shader 7.3.46 (Poiyomi Pro 7.3.46 needed for DPS)
Dynamic Bones (Paid version)
Dynamic Penetration System by Raliv (optional, version 1.21 used in this package)
VRCSDK3 2021. or later (Recommended to use included SDK if you do not have one of your own. VCC should be compatible but may cause issues.)
- You are NOT allowed to upload/distribute this avatar or any of its parts to anyone or their accounts (including but not limited to significant others, friends, relatives, etc.) This sale is for YOUR use ONLY.
- You are NOT allowed to upload this avatar as a public avatar.
- You agree to buy this avatar on behalf of yourself only. You are not allowed to buy this avatar and provide the package to someone else (including buying intending to give as a gift, and price splitting.) All gift sales must be arranged via Gumroad's gifting system or Discord DM sale with me.
- Editing this avatar is allowed.
- You are allowed to use this avatar for streaming or video content. (All wearers in stream or video content must own their own copies of the avatar.)
- Resale of any of my assets/avatars are prohibited, even if edited. (Monetary value gained by distributing any of my assets/avatars through paid avenues or direct message sales is prohibited. Redistribution of any of my assets/avatars through discord nitro boosting, patreon reward tiers, etc. is prohibited. All assets/avatars must be purchased directly from my Gumroad or Discord DM sale with me to be able to use or upload.)
- Sharing or redistribution of any of my assets/avatars are prohibited, even if edited. (Sharing my assets/avatars with anyone [including trading other assets or avatars to obtain any of my or others assets/avatars], as well as redistribution of my assets/avatars [including through file-sharing websites] outside of my Gumroad or Discord DM sales with me is prohibited.)
- This is a digital product for digital downloads. Consumers will need to waive their cancellation rights before digital content can be provided. This means that once a consumer/customer has downloaded the content, then they have given up their consumer rights to a refund.
- These terms and conditions can change at any time for further clarification. The terms set at the time of purchase are the terms of use for your sale only. (You are responsible for keeping a record of the terms at the time of sale if the terms have changed at a later date.)
By purchasing this item you are automatically agreeing to the terms set above.
Thank you for your support and please leave a rating!
3.0 Avatar Unity Package w/ included FBX's